Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Training and Recovery and my first Trail Marathon

I completed my first trail marathon on Feb 20Th at the Rodeo Beach Marathon. It was awesome. I finished in 5 hours, 2 minutes...well before my goal. I was running on a bad knee that I hurt two days prior.

On the Thursday before, I went on a 5:00am run with Clifton and Dan. They convinced me to go even though I was hesitant because I didn't want to burn out even a little bit before the race. I wanted to be in prime shape.

So many online guides talk about tapering, easing up, especially the week before. This Thursday we had decided to run the Pirates Cove loop, which was about 10 miles or so. Besides kicking a rock and hurting my knee, I feel that it helped me to run rather than hurt. So the Dean Karnazes world of thinking seems to be accurate....Run how you feel, not by some strict rule that someone else made up. Also...you need to discover what works for you.

There are so many opinions out there in the blogosphere. Although the collective experiences are very helpful, there is no silver bullet, no one way of doing anything. And isn't that the way life is? We can all think that our way is the only way...When we get into that mentality we become closed minded to other ideas. Running in my opinion is a journey that cannot be mapped out by anyone else. Its our race and our discoveries.